Medemit is an Italian medical site which gives information regarding various medical cases and medical terms. This site will primarily be used by doctors. The client wanted the ability to enter multimedia content like audio lectures, videos of emergency procedures, supporting images for cases etc.
We wanted to implement this site using very little custom coding and theming. Since Drupal provides various contributed modules and themes which can be used very easily to achieve the purpose, Drupal was a very good option for this site.
This site is installed directly in Italian language. We used panels to create various pages. The content is categorized using the taxonomy terms and different content types. All the main pages are created as views. Taxonomy image module made our task simple as we could associate an image with each taxonomy term. We used Flash node module and Embedded media field module to display videos on the site and SWF tools module for the media player. The audio module was used to upload/play audio files. We used the Imagecache, ImageAPI and Imagefield modules to attach images to posts. The look and feel was achieved using the contributed newswire theme as the starting point. We added some CSS for the final result.