
Contribution Date Contribution Type Drupal Id Edit
Upgrade to Drupal 7 02-Mar-2011 Theme Development komal.savla
Upgrading D6 Deco theme to D7 02-Mar-2011 Theme Development komal.savla
Can we have a drupal 7 release for acquia slate? 28-Feb-2011 Theme Development prajaktam
Porting D6 Acquia Slate theme to D7 28-Feb-2011 Theme Development prajaktam
Secondary links block doesn't display 23-Feb-2011 Theme Development komal.savla
Need to get rid of site name displaying in header area 22-Feb-2011 Theme Development Deepika.chavan
Change color of title 22-Feb-2011 Theme Development Deepika.chavan
how to add a span tag inside the anchor link of the breadcrumb ? 16-Feb-2011 Forum Help prajaktam
Rearrange columns 10-Feb-2011 Theme Development Deepika.chavan
How can i use scrolling text with block? 29-Dec-2010 Forum Help Vj
Text size secondary links 20-Dec-2010 Theme Development Deepika.chavan
can't get hook_help() to display help text 10-Dec-2010 Forum Help Vj
Zen sub-theme: footer displaying behind my nice menu in IE8 06-Dec-2010 Forum Help prajaktam
Zen sub theme help 03-Dec-2010 Forum Help prajaktam
Disappearing $secondary_links 03-Dec-2010 Forum Help prajaktam
